Friday 25 September 2015

Thriller Genre - Audience Expectations

Dear Readers,

Audience Expectations of a Thriller

What would the audience expect:
Within a thriller film, the audience expects the film to meet many conventions. The reason for this is because the conventions of the thriller genre are what makes up the genre itself. If the film doesn’t meet the conventions of the genre, then it wouldn’t count as a thriller genre; therefore it wouldn't meet the expectations of the audience. 
An example of a thing that the the interview group I used frequently came up with was JUMPY and SUSPENSE. This is something that is expected within a thriller genre because it creates enigmas for the audience and makes them ask questions.

What the audience would not expect:

I personally believe that in a thriller genre, the audience wouldn’t expect anything happy to happen until the end which my interview group said also and the reason as to why I would say that nothing good will happen until the end is because at the end, the antagonist would have usually been found or exposed and they usually die in most thriller films. The group also mentioned, romance... now to a certain extent, no, but if if was psycho obsessed romantic thriller it would work. But for mine, it will not contain romantic elements.

Here is my interview of a range of people, on what they would expect or not expect in a thriller:

SO until next time...bye!


1 comment:

  1. Fab! I like the way you have chosen a wide demographic to interview, particularly a wide age-range, within your audience. Interesting that they said such similar things, however.
