Sunday 13 September 2015

Thriller Genre - Conventions

Dear Readers,

The genre I have chosen is still all new to me, so now I know kind of the way I would like to go with the 2 minute Coursework Task i'm producing, I need to look up the key features and conventions that make a thriller good. 

Here is a few slides I produced after researching about it and then put to sounds and music etc...

Although I've mentioned sound and editing i'm not focusing on that in this blog, I am focusing on the conventions of a thriller and how the different techniques 
A very close type of genre to my Thriller one is Gothic Horror, as I noticed they consist of the same features however there are gothic horror conventions I like that aren't usual thriller features:

-  The camera strategically placed behind something e.g. a window/ bars - to give the effect of the audience being trapped.
- Filming the feet first to add unknownness to the character

Until next time people... bye!


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