Sunday 20 September 2015

Thriller Genre - Famous Directors

Dear Readers,

My genre would not be the genre it is today if it wasn't for the famous directors incharge of the films we see on screen.

Here is a video I put together of a quick overview of the directors I have chosen as most famous yet greatest Thriller directors of all time:

I chose those 5 because of the name they have made for themselves but here are the 2 like like the best more detail:

The most famous director in this genre goes way back to Alfred Hitchcock as he was born in England in 1899 which to me is big deal because I like to see what our country has produced, and when Hitchcock was only 20 he worked his way into directing. This to me is inspirational because he was so young and he not only made films but they had no sound, such as 'the lodger'. He was able to create movies that made sense without sound, and use his actors cleverly to portray a storyline. He gained the nickname 'Master of Suspense' due his ability to create suspense cleverly whilst using music and certain placements. Hitchcock had common themes throughout his movies, usually the man blamed for a number of crimes, a pretty blonde and suspense. He then moved to the US where he made 'Rebecca' when he made a phycological melodrama which was different to his style normally. However his knowledge of technology was his best expertise, which made his movies one of a kind, as he knew things about editing other directors didn't. I'm taking from this that i need to learn the ins and outs of editing so my 2 minute movie opening is just as good as editing on Alfred Hitchcock's movies.
"I think what sound brought of value to the cinema was to complete the realism of the image on the screen. It made everyone in the audience deaf mutes." -Alfred Hitchcock

Steven Spielberg was also a massive name in directing this genre, however he was an american director that not only was massive in Thrillers, was named the most influential director and producer of films in general. Steven made films such as Jurassic Park, Jaws, Lincoln, Minority Report and E.T. but the most famous one for the thriller genre was Duel. He continues to this day to director as this latest movie Bridge of Spies is due to come out in October 2015. This man to me is inspirational due to the number of movies he's made that have been successes among not only America but the world!
Steven Spielberg also has his common traits such as his iconic track- in shots, I know he doesn't do the actual camera work but he directs how they should be done, and he does that well! Also his framing, he likes to frame shots to show foreground and background.

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