Thursday 24 September 2015

Thriller Genre - Other student videos

Dear Readers,

So after finding out lots about my genre, i did some research into other a level students horror or thriller movies because seeing how other people did it can inspire me to do better or invent ideas...

Here is a horror opening that is annotated with notes, which i find extremely helpful, but i like this as you get a lots of Point of View shots and innocence. The jumpiness at the end also provides a good thriller convention, as it the unexpected reaction.

Heres another one i particularly like:

I like the use of a girl, and her emotions/ reflections because she is easier to sympathise with. However the weirdness and quirkiness of it does't appeal to me, because i feel a relatable storyline is better in terms of scaring people.

I love the use of sound in this one:

The opening sound is suddenly cut off then the silence is broken by something so simple as a shirt. I love this use of sound because its jumpy, and gets the heart thumping is confusion of the different levels of sound so quick. Although what i like the most is the foly breathing, that has been amplified and made to over exggerate the pain of the situation, just like when its used again for the tapping. The sound of beating music after the stab, builds up the tension of the boys running away. The shots also on this one are almost invisible, there are a few jumpy ones but the majority is flowing. I especially like the where the foreground is focused and the background is blurred....
Plus i love the use of the villain,  another character usually a man, helps add fear to the opening.

So until next time friends... bye!


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