Saturday 12 September 2015

Thriller Genre - General research

Dear Readers,

So now with my decided genre of a 'thriller' I though I should do some research of how to achieve a good thriller including the conventions.

The definition of a thriller is:

"Thriller is a genre of literature, film, video game story and television programming that uses suspense, tension and excitement as its main elements. Thrillers heavily stimulate the viewer's moods, giving them a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened exception, uncertainty, surprise, anxiety and terror. Films of this genre tend to me adrenaline-rushing, gritty, rousing and fast paced," - wikipedia

However due to my thriller only being 2 minutes of the beginning it won't reach the high of suspense as say the middle of the movie might reach because to create a full movie it would need to include"

  • The protagonist faces death - either his/her own or somebody else.
  • The force of the antagonist must be initially be clever and/or stronger then the protagonist.
  • The main storyline for the protagonist is either a quest or a character that cannot be pulled down.
  • The main plot focuses on a mystery that must be solved.
  • The films narrative construction is dominated by the protagonists point of view.
  • There may be a suspenseful and atmospheric soundtrack for the scenes of suspense.
  • All action and characters must be credibly realistic or natural in the presentation on screen.
  • The two major themes that underpin the thriller genre are the desire for justice or the morality of individuals.
  • The protagonist and antagonist battle 
  • Either by  accident or by curiosity the character is dragged into a dangerous conflict or situation that they are nor prepared for.

So, because mine is only  2 minutes i'll have only the key elements:
  • Suspense - There may be a suspenseful or atmospheric soundtrack to the suspense
  • Conflict/Situation - Either by accident or by curiosity the character is dragged into a dangerous conflict or situation that they are nor prepared for.
  • Mystery - an element of unknown goings on, so that the suspense is heightened.
  • Known activity - an activity people can relate themselves in to increase fear within viewer.
Also there are many different sub- genres of thrillers such as:
  1. Action Thriller e.g. Die Hard
  2. Crime Thriller e.g. The Usual Suspects
  3. Film- Noir e.g. Sunset Boulevard
  4. Science fiction Thriller e.g. Aliens
  5. Religious Thriller e.g. The devil's Advocate
  6. Supernatural Thriller e.g. The Sixth Sense
  7. Phycological Thriller e.g. Rear Window
The one that interests me the most has to the 'Phycological Thriller' so upon further research I found out that it has traits of a regular Thriller but a phycological thriller incorporates elements of drama and mystery films. The suspense is this sub-genre comes from the mind. The protagonists in phycological thrillers must rely on their mental resources to solve the situation. Because of their nature, many phycological Thriller cross over into the horror genre.
I decided I am going to focus my 2 minutes on a phycological thriller because it's open to interpretation on how you trick and use the mind as a factor of suspense!

So until next time friends... bye!


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