Saturday 5 September 2015

Continuity Editing Techniques - Preliminary task

Dear Readers,

So after being enlightened into this world of continuity editing, I took my knowledge to a new level by designing a story board that would include the 3 new camera shots I learn't (to remind you: Match on action, Reverse shots/ Shots and 180 degree). These would be incorporated into a Preliminary Task which had to show:

  • A person entering room through door
  • Walking across the room
  • Sitting opposite someone 
  • Having a conversation

I designed a storyboard that would fit into the surroundings of a school, so what did i choose? Pregnancy, yes, teen pregnancy... Why? I have no idea, but I thought I would be more interesting than  a teacher telling off a pupil.
Here is my storyboard on paper:

So here is my storyboard 3D:

The dialogue is as follows:
Sally - (person who walked through door)
Friend - Other character

Shot 4 - Sally - "i have to tell you something"
Shot 5 - Friend - "what? Anything..."
Shot 6 -  Sally - "i'm pregnant... 3 months"
Shot 7 - Friend - "OMG Shanaynay, noooo! I told you to be careful"
Shot 8 - Friend - "It will be okay..."
Shot 9 - "Come here..."

So until next time folks.... bye!


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