Thursday 15 October 2015

My Movie planning - Trialling sounds and videos 1

Dear Readers,

So i decided that i have done quite a lot to do with my movie, but i hadn't yet actually practiced how to do it. I needed to put someone videos to sounds to create a sort of prototype of a part of my movie.
I choses to do the beginning because that needs the most effort as it's the decider for people whether to turn your movie on or off,

Here are the photos of my computer screen as i experimented with different sounds:




I defiantly needed to do this because it was a lot harder than i imagined... working with sounds and video is extremely hard! Took me at least an hour to get to the point i am at below and that is far from where i want it.  So below is the running piece so far:

I used typical elements of thriller movies here, such as the beginning establishing shot then the low breathing to add tension. Followed by the scenery of night time where things are a lot more scarier! I also used dull music to compliment the high pitched NURSERY RHYME - which is creepy. Finally i used a shocking loud sound to startle the the viewers. This i star from perfect such as the transition between the shots are appalling bad and the sounds still need altering. Plus i need to get a better screeching sound but you get the idea of where i'm coming from.

uNtiL NeXt TiMe... ByE!

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