Tuesday 27 October 2015

My Movie planning - My Second Developed Storyline/ Treatment

Dear Readers,

I've had another revelation to do with my movie... The Jack killings.. instead being on the TV..
- should be in a newspaper
- When the foreshadowing of the Jack in the box at the door arrives
       it will
- Connect jack calling - so to know he's here when he circles the article is a thick red marker. Maybe with a message or something like "I'm Back"

I have so many ideas... but as i narrow them down and watch other thrillers i am developing my story even more to make sure i get the best of thrillers, because a Thriller is hard to make scary in 2 minutes! The press below shows the changes in RED. 

until next time... bye!


1 comment:

  1. Such a cool Prezi, and I love your new ideas. Your synopsis gave me goosebumps!
