Wednesday 21 October 2015

My Movie planning - Making Sounds

Dear Readers,

SOUNDS are of huge importance to a thriller but they all have to be non-plagurised. So i had a go about making my own sounds, just by listening in everyday society to things around me.

Here are a couple:

So first up is a train, i never noticed before but a train can make the weirdest sounds... screeches, drones, placing baselines... all sounds needed for a great thriller to be jumpy!  The first sound video are weird sorts of sounds almost E.T. with a low drone. Then there is the second video, sounds slightly different with more of a pace but still very interesting. See i plan on using the pacing baseline behind this video my movie to allow tension to be built up over time also the screeching of this video in a thriller allows the pace to be subtle then a big unexpected screech frightens the view causing the jump.

Next i recorded owls, they made an echoy creepy sound. There sounds made my spine shiver as it add the element of establishment plus also that element of nighttime. I can add this at the beginning to set the scene of night time.

Sound is so important at the beginning because if you have ever tried watching a film with no sound you want to switch it off because it's boring. So sound at the beginning is the deciding factor between
whether your movie is switched off or not!

Something prominent about my movie is the fact i have nursery rhyme. Nursery rhymes are often associated with children and if sung in a specific way can be creepy as if something bad is going to happen...

Of course here i've put a voice effect over my voice but i sang it in a strange key so it would be even creepier when played over the top of a video. Plus with this video i've added a drone behind the sining to add creepiness as well. I took this idea off the opening of 'Paranormal Activity'.
Here is a screenshot of the voice effect on Movie Maker you can add:

until next time...bye!
