Thursday 29 October 2015

My Movie planning - More Inspiration 'Pretty Little Liars' (tv series)

Dear Readers,

So recently i have watched a series called 'Pretty Little Liars' on Netflix and it was filled with typical Thriller aspects but yet was also filled with many ideas that i could incorporate into my movie...

This scene shows a killer in a house but also a women receiving a Jack in the box. However what you don't see are the too events are linked but this scene does not show this. But what it does show is some very good shots off the knife in his hand and of the Jack in the box in her hands.

These could influence my my shots when my killer has a knife, also when my girl receives a Jack in the box. Bit coincidental but i can assure you i did not copy or steal this idea from here or anywhere.

Until next time... bye!


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