Friday, 30 October 2015

My Movie planning - Finalised Storyboard

Dear Readers,

So after a lot of deliberation and inspiration i have finalised my storyboard:
obviously when I'm filming, if i think different shots are better, i will change but currently this is the storyboard I'm sticking to so far...

until next time....bye!

Thursday, 29 October 2015

My Movie planning - More Inspiration 'Pretty Little Liars' (tv series)

Dear Readers,

So recently i have watched a series called 'Pretty Little Liars' on Netflix and it was filled with typical Thriller aspects but yet was also filled with many ideas that i could incorporate into my movie...

This scene shows a killer in a house but also a women receiving a Jack in the box. However what you don't see are the too events are linked but this scene does not show this. But what it does show is some very good shots off the knife in his hand and of the Jack in the box in her hands.

These could influence my my shots when my killer has a knife, also when my girl receives a Jack in the box. Bit coincidental but i can assure you i did not copy or steal this idea from here or anywhere.

Until next time... bye!


Tuesday, 27 October 2015

My Movie planning - My Second Developed Storyline/ Treatment

Dear Readers,

I've had another revelation to do with my movie... The Jack killings.. instead being on the TV..
- should be in a newspaper
- When the foreshadowing of the Jack in the box at the door arrives
       it will
- Connect jack calling - so to know he's here when he circles the article is a thick red marker. Maybe with a message or something like "I'm Back"

I have so many ideas... but as i narrow them down and watch other thrillers i am developing my story even more to make sure i get the best of thrillers, because a Thriller is hard to make scary in 2 minutes! The press below shows the changes in RED. 

until next time... bye!


My Movie planning - New inspiration 'Scream' (tv series)

Dear Readers,

So recently i have watched a series called 'Scream' on Netflix and it was filled with typical Thriller aspects but yet was also filled with many ideas that i could incorporate into my movie...

However he is a type of inspiration that is defiantly for my movie, as the whole series starts with the opening of the nursery rhyme "Daisy... daisy..." This foreshadows the use of a character called Daisy and a crazy killer (i'm half crazy...) I like the use of this because its creepy and sets the series up in one song.

The series also so glimpse of other inspirations such as this clip below shows a door scene that i was going to incorporate in mine... However it's also made me think what if i put a jack in the box outside the door? Just like Emma discovers a box outside her door... plus the use of the doorbell ringing and and no one there indicates something scary!

This series is extremely good... it's got history, it;s got murder, creepy masks, creepy text messages etc... My main inspiration now believes to be this!

Until next time...bye!


Thursday, 22 October 2015

My Movie planning - Trialling sounds and videos 3

Dear Readers,

With my new developed storyline the title needed to change firstly on my trial runs. Plus also with my new found knowledge of sounds and how to create/listen out for sounds i added them too my trialling video:
If you listen out you can here the foxes in the background just to bring on the sub conscience feeling of outside and loneliness (just like in my interviews of what expected one lady mentioned a lonely environment). Also the Nursery Rhyme has been modified to sound creepier.

This is just a developing piece as i add/ change/ modify/ re-adjust clips or sounds to create my perfect Thriller.

Until Next time... bye!


Wednesday, 21 October 2015

My Movie planning - Making Sounds

Dear Readers,

SOUNDS are of huge importance to a thriller but they all have to be non-plagurised. So i had a go about making my own sounds, just by listening in everyday society to things around me.

Here are a couple:

So first up is a train, i never noticed before but a train can make the weirdest sounds... screeches, drones, placing baselines... all sounds needed for a great thriller to be jumpy!  The first sound video are weird sorts of sounds almost E.T. with a low drone. Then there is the second video, sounds slightly different with more of a pace but still very interesting. See i plan on using the pacing baseline behind this video my movie to allow tension to be built up over time also the screeching of this video in a thriller allows the pace to be subtle then a big unexpected screech frightens the view causing the jump.

Next i recorded owls, they made an echoy creepy sound. There sounds made my spine shiver as it add the element of establishment plus also that element of nighttime. I can add this at the beginning to set the scene of night time.

Sound is so important at the beginning because if you have ever tried watching a film with no sound you want to switch it off because it's boring. So sound at the beginning is the deciding factor between
whether your movie is switched off or not!

Something prominent about my movie is the fact i have nursery rhyme. Nursery rhymes are often associated with children and if sung in a specific way can be creepy as if something bad is going to happen...

Of course here i've put a voice effect over my voice but i sang it in a strange key so it would be even creepier when played over the top of a video. Plus with this video i've added a drone behind the sining to add creepiness as well. I took this idea off the opening of 'Paranormal Activity'.
Here is a screenshot of the voice effect on Movie Maker you can add:

until next time...bye!


Sunday, 18 October 2015

My Movie planning - My developed Storyline/Treatment

Dear Readers,

I changed my storyline which is explained on the prezi, because i developed my idea it became unachievable for my budget and timings.

I have retracted a bit in the storyline development presented in an earlier blog as i've gone back to the unknown person in the house.
However here is a new storyline development from my old idea to more achievable idea still including the idea of Jack.

New storyline development from Lizzy Marshall

I defiantly prefer my new storyline because it adds depth to my movie plus it's more realistic.

Until next time... bye!


Friday, 16 October 2015

My Movie planning - Trialling sounds and videos 2

Dear Readers,

Following from number one i wanted to improve the effects on screen better because it was very basic, so i looked up some scary techniques used in effects.

Inspiration i got was to do like a muffled telly screen, such as when the TV doesn't quite tune and its left to produce weird fuzzy colours...However a better one of these i saw was this short paranormal activity opening:

So i took the idea of a TV screen effect and applied to my opening...

USING THE GREEN SCREEN EFFECT PREVIOUSLY LEARNT I CREATED THIS EFFECT VIA MOVIE MAKER. I like this effect because it adds a sense of confusion and later on in my movie i will pass by the TV where it will reference to a particular killing a year ago e.g. the babysitter killing or something close to that. To link the TV to the EFFECT to the Guy in the house

until next time dudes...bye!


Thursday, 15 October 2015

My Movie planning - Trialling sounds and videos 1

Dear Readers,

So i decided that i have done quite a lot to do with my movie, but i hadn't yet actually practiced how to do it. I needed to put someone videos to sounds to create a sort of prototype of a part of my movie.
I choses to do the beginning because that needs the most effort as it's the decider for people whether to turn your movie on or off,

Here are the photos of my computer screen as i experimented with different sounds:




I defiantly needed to do this because it was a lot harder than i imagined... working with sounds and video is extremely hard! Took me at least an hour to get to the point i am at below and that is far from where i want it.  So below is the running piece so far:

I used typical elements of thriller movies here, such as the beginning establishing shot then the low breathing to add tension. Followed by the scenery of night time where things are a lot more scarier! I also used dull music to compliment the high pitched NURSERY RHYME - which is creepy. Finally i used a shocking loud sound to startle the the viewers. This i star from perfect such as the transition between the shots are appalling bad and the sounds still need altering. Plus i need to get a better screeching sound but you get the idea of where i'm coming from.

uNtiL NeXt TiMe... ByE!

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

My Movie planning - Opening credits

Dear Reader,

In movies the opening credits can pretty much come at any point in the first 5 minutes of a film... Could be the first thing you see or could be after 2 minutes it comes. Either way where it's placed needs to be discussed. So I done some research by watching different genres and then watching mainly thrillers to find:

Such as in 'Skyfall' the opening credits don't come until 10 minutes into the film... I love these opening credits because they are very artistic plus to the music they are so dramatic.

However thrillers, such as my main influence SCREAM, the openings typical come at the beginning... Here are all four openings, but they all come before the movie starts... Now this is so the tension and suspense in the movie isn't broken by a title sequence. I love these opening as they all involve screaming and just make you really tense.

So i've decided i'm going to put my opening sequence at the beginning although i love the use of music and imagination of the skyfall opening so i would like to incorporate both aspects into my opening.

until next time...bye!


Sunday, 11 October 2015

My Movie planning - My Treatment

Dear Readers,

As a film producer, i now have to sell my product to a film company, so they can invest in it and i receive money to produce my movie.


Would be the companies that would invest in films as well as create their own movies. However you need to pick which one you pitch to because for instance, my film is a thriller, therefore i can't pitch to WALT DISNEY.... So i did some research into the best selling thrillers around today to see who where they backed by:

2. The departed - WARNER BROS
4. Bourne Ultimatum - UNIVERSAL

This means that if i was for real, i would pitch to any of the above companies, such as WARNER BROS, LEGENDARY PICTURES, UNIVERSAL...

Getting the company to pitch to is the easy part now i need to create my  treatment:
    "A film treatment (or simply treatment) is a piece of prose, typically the step between scene cards (index cards) and the first draft of a screenplay for a motion picture, television program, or radio play." - Wikipedia

All film companies create one, but mine would be a lot less professional and simpler than a real film company because i'm only selling two minutes!

So here is my Treatment:

Not only did i have to produce one, i had to present it aswell:

until next time chicos/chicas...bye!


Friday, 9 October 2015

My Movie planning - First ideas on Movie Names

Dear Readers,

Since my Genre is a thriller i fell it is best i pick a name that corresponds with all the thriller types,
Here is a presentation of my research... (was done on slideshare)

Movie Names from Lizzy Marshall

The Name is important because it's the thing that will catch the readers attention and stick in their brain, until they see it. Even after they will remember the name to promote to movies to others.

Until next time chums...bye!


Wednesday, 7 October 2015

My Movie planning - Moodboard

Dear Readers,

For my 2 minute movie, now i know my plot better, i've made a moodboard symbolising the inspiration and vision i have for my movie.

To run through the photos:

Left = the scary jack in the box
Middle = the jack in the box isolated on the floor
Right = a girl home along / babysitting

Left = The blacked figure 
Middle = silhouette figure in the house
Right = The jack in the box

Left = The over the shoulder look
Middle = The child playing with the jack
Right = Babysitting job

I chose these photos as some have my vision of my shots e.g. Top, Middle and Bottom, Left but some photo just have an inspiration for characters e.g. Top, Left and Bottom, Right. The other photo are just clarification of plot/ story/ ideas for the placement. 

So until next time... bye!


Monday, 5 October 2015

My Movie planning - Storyline

Dear Readers,

My own research into my storyline stems from the General Genre Research i did before.

The use of 'Scream' is the main inspiration for my piece as it's about the vulnerable young girl and a creepy unknown figure.

My storyline has changed quite a bit:

My storyline from Lizzy Marshall

Until next time people...bye!


Sunday, 4 October 2015

Movie Maker Skills - Film to Music/ using the templates

Dear Readers,

More skills i've learnt is applying transitions, music and photos all together. Here is a movie i produced of my holiday to Egypt:

I deliberately used a lot of features available to me on Movie Maker to get to know the software.
So i can maybe use some in 2 minute opening.

So until next time...bye!


Saturday, 3 October 2015

Movie Maker Skills - Green/blue screen

Dear Readers,

Another skill i've learn't to do is how to use a green screen. This was pretty simple and i wish i knew how to do it earlier in life. Although it came out well, i don't think i will use it on my movie, just because i don't have a screen which i need a background that can't be achieved in real life.  I did have a lot of fun doing this but this skill probably won't come in handy in my 2 minute movie.

Although this is how you do it:

 Load iMovie,
Then download the photo for the green screen.
then place the clip on top of a photo.
 Then you choose the Green/Blue screen drop down option and the background should change.

This was the finished product:

Obviously we were only messing around and the quality is not great due to the laughing in the clip but i did try to match the music to our dance moves.

so until next time, peace out... bye!


Friday, 2 October 2015

Movie Maker Skills - Side by side

Dear Readers,

Another post of mine called "audience expectations" has this effect in the interview film as i filmed that at a later date to when i wrote the post but i finally learnt how to do side by side and the green screen effect. 

Here is my attempt:

The side by side is obvious, but the wording don't quite match us and they don't actually say the same words but it gives you and me the idea.

so until next time...bye!


Thursday, 1 October 2015

Movie Maker Skills - Hologram Effect

Dear Readers,

Thanks my friend Jessie and the internet i was able to work out how to complete a hologram effect on MAC Movie maker. This is a big achievement for me because it the first complex skill i've learn. I used the clip from the BBC when i did the news, and added a 'picture on a picture' plus then music...

First i had to download a screen recorder, which when turned on made the screen look like this:

1. The yellow box is the screen which is being recorded, then the control panel at the bottom start, stop and time it.

2. Then I overlap the filmed screen in Movie Maker ontop of other clip and change it to picture on a picture.

Finally here is my first attempt:
This is a rough first attempt, I like the overlap of 2 screens, however i want to learn how to make it invisible, and in different effect... However in time!

So until next time community...bye!
