Wednesday 6 January 2016

My Real Thing - Complications whilst filming

Dear Readers,

Now filming posed a few issues,

1. My house lighting causes multiple problems however I had to make do.
The problems were that the lighting in my sister bedroom disagreed with the camera, I'm not sure why but I could guess the LED didn't like the lens.

Again, a second problem I encountered with lighting was that the outside was too dark, as I couldn't see her. I did try post production to edit the brightness but it was still very dark. To sort this I could off used an artificial light but I don't thave that type of equipment

A third problem was the lighting in my hallway as it was very dark and yellow, however, this mainly could be edited in post-production. 

2. The quality of the camera was an issue due to some shots remaining blurry
I think this was because the camera did not like the change of focus.

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