Saturday, 16 January 2016

My Real Thing - Progressive feedback

Dear Readers,

I decided to show my working piece to a focus group of girls that suited my demographics to see their reaction and get their feedback on issues:

They helped me by giving me feedback:

- increase the jack in the box effect by a POV shot
- Add more of a dramatic effect on the introduction of the killer - quicker shots flicking between!
- cut one my shots (done already) because i lost her head in the shot.

until next time...

Friday, 15 January 2016

My Real Thing - Idents

Dear Readers,

So after filming the next step is to create an ident - most people use ones already made but our media group decided to make our own.

This girl has done some research into idents and I liked what she put so I decided to show you...

The convention of a thriller ident is black and white plus bold clear titles. With some mysterious element. Adding a sense of fear.

Using the software MOTION for the Mac computer, I am teaching myself to do an ident!

In class we mastered using some of the techniques and templates provided:

 After this I decided to make my own one:

I had problems - such as the fading but after extensive searching i found a 'behaviour' template that does it...

 This is the grouping method of how you place things into the motion flow. You group each element and to each element indiviually alter it's e,g, motion or colour etc...

This is the screen to which you see what comes together -  here you can see the flow port, which is where purple bars are added elements and blue bars the actual elements.

This is the library of templates they have, it's extensive so you need to search into it quite a lot!

Until next time... bye!

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

My Real Thing - Complications whilst filming

Dear Readers,

Now filming posed a few issues,

1. My house lighting causes multiple problems however I had to make do.
The problems were that the lighting in my sister bedroom disagreed with the camera, I'm not sure why but I could guess the LED didn't like the lens.

Again, a second problem I encountered with lighting was that the outside was too dark, as I couldn't see her. I did try post production to edit the brightness but it was still very dark. To sort this I could off used an artificial light but I don't thave that type of equipment

A third problem was the lighting in my hallway as it was very dark and yellow, however, this mainly could be edited in post-production. 

2. The quality of the camera was an issue due to some shots remaining blurry
I think this was because the camera did not like the change of focus.

My Real Thing - Trailer for my movie opening

Dear Readers,

So the Christmas break has just been and I filmed my movie, however, I thought I'd make a movie trailer just for my 2-minute movie. This is because although I have thought of more storyline just in case I didn't actually incorporate that as it would be too confusing...

Anyway here is my trailer of put together clips:

Saturday, 2 January 2016

My Real Thing - Full Movie Story

Dear Readers,

Just in case it might be required, I have extra storyline that was inspired by the opening scene of scream (the Netflix series):

This shows a simple scenario, however, mine would have a girl and a guy there... also mine most likely would be shot in field near me for convenience.

MY FILMING: (2minuyes)
Babysitter ends up being murdered
Instead of the real daughter (who has her own daughter)

The speech would be giggles then followed by: (in field)
Girl "oh jack..." introducing Jack
Guy "let's go back to yours" his demanding nature (could off caused break up)

The story follows in parallel loosely the two main characters of 'Daisy' and 'Brandon' Aka Killer. Where his heart was broken by her, so he takes his revenge on her and others close to her.

The girl and guy break up... girl finds she pregnant
Has child...etc..
receives a Jack in the Box
She sells her house to her daughter (who is killers child)
"the same house of the same round"

The when mum/girl is older she is murdered by him...

Daughter goes on a hunt to find her dad (unknown of his murderous deeds)
He didn't know he had daughter
Good relationship

Police track him down as killer of her mum
She disowns him
He escapes and comes back to murder her

Crime scene w babysitter on the floor
and the daughter comes home to find it...
Knows who killed her because of Jack in the Box
Hunts him down
He's given the death penalty.

The END scene (lethal injection scene "Bye Jack")