Wednesday 11 November 2015

My Movie planning - Props

Dear Readers,

Props for my movie that are needed are:

  • Newspaper
  • Jack in the Box
  • Knife
  • Mask
  • Pencil Case (back prop)

1. The Newspaper is just a normal newspaper but on of the pages with be different (edited) with my own newspaper headings and pictures such as here i have written an article that foreshadows the killing to come:

2. Jack in the Box is already got for as this is a clever little present from our killer that foreshadows his Jack killings - here the same Jack in the box as the one i have acquired:

3.  The knife will come from the inspiration from 'Pretty little liars' with the typical carving knife as its big and scary - typical shape for a horror. (I've chosen to use knife 4)

4.  The mask is a stereotypical item in a good thriller as it add the sense of mystery and the big unveiling etc... typical one include such like:

    The SAW Mask                      The Anonymous Mask                    The Scream Mask

However due to copyright laws and the pure fact you cannot take an iconic mask and use it in you own movie i will using my own mask which is simple white one yet is very scary in the fact it is unknown.

until next time... bye!

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