Wednesday 11 November 2015

My Movie planning - In house scenes

Dear Readers,

Companies thats choose to film in a house usually go for ones thats have ample off-street parking and offer large rooms with plenty of natural light.

Well my own film location will be my house and the main room does have plenty of natural light, however, because of the numerous number of windows - i have to be careful i don't accidentally shoot a scene where you can see my reflection!

Although i do have one problem, my movie will be set in the night/evening which will cause problems to my natural light. So i will have to use artificial lighting - however, i do have over 36 lights in my kitchen all of which dim and create different settings hopefully reducing reflections. 

"Don't be afraid to dress your set - make it look as good as it possibly can."  – Sara Gundlash
until next time reader...bye!


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